How to Pick the Right Cryotherapy Machine
The XR Cryotherapy Chamber
Buying a cryotherapy machine is a major investment. Most cryotherapy saunas cost upwards of $50,000, and electric cryotherapy chambers average over $100,000 dollars (and that is before installation which requires a contractor). Added to these costs is the concern that not enough people will try cryo and the business will fail, leaving you with a mountain of debt and a cryo chamber that is not being used. This guide can help you choose the best cryotherapy chamber for your business so that your investment is a success.
What is the Best Cryotherapy Chamber?
The best chamber for your gym or spa will be based on your needs and how often you will use it. In busy gyms it is common to conduct 10 or more sessions per day. This type of customer flow can only be handled by a machine that requires no dry-out time. Some chambers can only operate for so many sessions before they require a drying time to protect the moving parts, such as the electric lifts. An electric lift is the standing platform that is used to adjust for the height of the client. After so many sessions at -230°F the mechanical arm needs to dry out. Newer designs have a simpler solution of using cold-resistant bolster pads for clients. This allows for more sessions and less moving parts that can break.
What Cryotherapy Chamber is Safest?
A second consideration is safety. Liquid nitrogen is safe and cryo saunas are perfectly safe when they are used with a certified operator. Problems arise when employees give out their passwords or PIN codes so that other employees can have free sessions. This also raises liability concerns if a non-trained person attempts to run the chamber. The XR Cryotherapy Chamber prevents this liability by using a Dual Fingerprint Authentication system, where passwords and PIN codes are replaced by the operator and client’s actual fingerprints. Using fingerprints also speeds up the process of collecting payment as the client only has to touch the fingerprint reader to sign in.
Are Electric Cryotherapy Chambers better than Nitrogen?
Electric cryotherapy chambers cannot get as cold as liquid nitrogen chambers. Electric machines are functionally large air conditioners that use enormous amounts of power, require expensive construction to install, and need regular maintenance. Liquid nitrogen chambers were invented for this reason: they are more affordable and more effective. The cryogenic environment begins at -160°F and is where cryotherapy’s health benefits begin, which is a temperature often not attainable by electric chambers. Nitrogen chambers are able to reach -230°F and maintain that temperature throughout the day, allowing a business owner to provide therapeutic cryo to entire teams or to a simple walk-in customer.
Are Cryotherapy Chambers Mobile?
Liquid nitrogen chambers are built with locking wheels that allow you to roll the chamber into any room. Electric chambers are actually built into place and have ductwork and piping that make it a permanent fixture in your building. The XR Cryo Chamber is highly mobile and can be moved by a single person. It also has only one moving part: the door. This was part of the design to avoid any mechanical breakdowns that are common with less advanced machines.
Read about how to finance an XR Cryotherapy Chamber and how to start a cryotherapy business.