Best female-owned businesses for 2020

The Best of Female Owned Businesses

The Best of Female Owned Businesses

The best female-owned businesses for 2020 are in and cryotherapy is at the top of the list. Why do females become cryotherapy business owners more than men? The answer is simple: women are better at athletic recovery than men. Women instinctively understand that aftercare from a workout is just as important as the exercise itself. The entire fitness industry is becoming dominated by women and it makes sense that women are becoming its new leaders.

Female Owned Business: Recovery Mode

Exercise recovery and female owned businesses are quickly adopting the boutique-gym model. Gym goers leave big box gyms more and more each day as they choose smaller class-size workouts. Busy people enjoy the group workout and social aspect of making friends. The experience desired is a hard workout; however, this also can put people at a greater risk of injury. Furthermore, having oneself pushed by aggressive trainers can soon cause overuse injuries.

Natural Healing as a Business

The fitness industry is awash with injuries, and as a result many athletes are looking for drug-free methods to heal themselves. Whole Body Cryotherapy is the fastest method to treat the entire body without having to sit in an ice bath for 15 minutes. The healing factor works by the body's natural response to the extreme cold temperatures. Once the body experiences the -230°F cold air it communicates imminent danger to the brain. This causes the brain to hyper-oxygenate the blood as it is drawn to the body's core for warmth. But once the 3 minute session is over the body returns to normal temperature and the oxygen-rich and nutrient dense blood returns to the skeletal muscles. This is the body hack that professional athletes are raving about.

Female Entrepreneurs

The most successful class-based gyms and personal trainers are mostly female. These women are natural entrepreneurs and start-up business owners. Once they have a following of clients it is easy for them to set up a cryotherapy machine in their gym. Other trainers who do not use a training space (such as beach-workout training) can rent a space to use their cryotherapy machine. Some savvy ladies have even made a partnership with existing tanning salons to own 50% of the machine and bring their clients to the salon for cryotherapy. The tanning salon owners welcome this as it is a new source of potential clients.

Learn more about cryotherapy business and head over to our blogs to learn more about cryotherapy itself.

Mike Bakke